Our Mission

The mission of New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association is to advance and protect the cattle industry of New Mexico, work toward solutions of cattle industry problems, promote the well being of the industry, provide an official and united voice on issues of importance to the cattle producers and feeders, and to create and maintain an economic climate that will provide members of the Association the opportunity to obtain optimum return on their investments within the free enterprise system."

The Benefits of Membership

Your membership support will strengthen the efforts of the NMCGA to promote, protect and serve your industry. Many issues are facing us today and it takes a strong united voice to make a difference. The NMCGA is working hard to protect the rights of livestock producers, as well as private property owners, on many fronts including legislation, litigation, regulations and water. NMCGA is an issues organization, and as a member, you have the ability to directly influence the policy of the Association and indirectly have an impact on policy makers and government agencies at the state and federal levels.

New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association is a non-profit trade association that represents ranchers and beef producers in legislative affairs, beef promotion and industry interests.  Our funding is generated almost entirely by voluntary dues paid by members, who in turn determine the direction and policy of the organization. Join our efforts of protecting our way of life, become a member today!

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NM Needs a Farm Bill!

Advocacy - Voter Voice (nmflb.org)
Click the button above and urge our congressional delegation to pass a Farm Bill now!
With the current extension of the Farm Bill set to expire on September 30th, we must urge Congress to pass a new Farm Bill now! 
The farm bill supports New Mexico families by providing access to nutrition programs and further supports 24,700 New Mexico farms and ranches through risk mitigation, conservation, and agricultural research programs. In New Mexico alone, the farm bill provides more than 35.7 million meals to combat hunger, supports more than 900,000 Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) acres, and funds 23.9 million crop insurance acres.
The passage of the farm bill is crucial to supporting the food and agriculture sector, which provides $40.12 billion to the state's economy and supports more than 261,000 jobs. The farm bill has a long tradition of bipartisan support and now, more than ever, it’s important for lawmakers to work together to ensure America’s farmers and ranchers can continue to provide the safest, most affordable food supply in the world. 


Are you passionate about supporting the cattle industry in New Mexico? Are you passionate about customer service and serving those around you? Join our team!

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